Debauchery Productions


Debauchery Productions is an alternative burlesque company that produces shows featuring diverse women of all shapes and backgrounds produced by Liryc of Lessons With Liryc. These performances embody the power of the feminine mystique, with visual representation of the power structures that connect sex and violence within the female body.

In collaboration with the cast visuals were paired with each performance, many utilizing motion capture technology. Motion capture was made utilizing a Rokoko Mocap Suit, and the accompanying animation was made with Unreal Engine 5.4. Custom avatars were made with Daz3D studio. This show was performed at The Venue at Farnsworth Hall in Mesa, AZ.

Photos featured by 48th and Pixel.


The Venue at Farnsworth Hall, Mesa, AZ

Miss Racy Rose

Clair Suicide

Sadie Rose

Debauchery Girls: Katerina Lablue, Liryc, Rebella Risque, Clair Suicide

Aerial Andi

Katerina LaBleu

Caro Desert Rose

Little T and John Michael


The process involved recording several dancers performance capture done with Rokoko Motion Capture suit and imported in Rokoko Studio.

The FBX then was transfered to Unreal Engine 5.4 and animated in scene.

Custom Avatars were made with Daz3D studio to achieve likenesses of some of the performers featured in the show.

Performed at the Venue at Farnsworth Hall in Mesa, Arizona on LED Screens projected behind the live performances.